Your Story
We’ll share your story on our website. Here is a sample bio: I’d always had highly erratic, unpredictable periods, so even before my husband and I began trying, I feared I would have trouble getting pregnant. At 31, lacking any semblance of a regular cycle, I consulted an experienced Reproductive Endocrinologist, and was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I began treatment with Clomid and eventually transitioned to IUI with injectable medication. I felt very isolated in my infertility, and sought connection by joining a small group of women who were undergoing ART/IVF on a timeframe similar to my own. My journey towards motherhood seemed full of hurdles (physical pain, emotional pain) but I was determined to endure difficulty if it would enable me to become a parent. I somehow believed in the importance of nurturing my own tiny inner light — an awareness that this was my challenge to face but that I would not let this experience define me. After one year in treatment, on my third round of IUI, I conceived a son. Infertility was the most emotionally difficult challenge I had ever been through, and I although I have been a mom for many years now, I still vividly remember that painful time.