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Earn your Zombie Explorer Badges
Enter your projects here!
Quarter 1 Challenges
- Complete a project in 3 of the following categories:
Cozy! Knit an item for your body.
1. Head : hats of all sorts! 2. Hands : Mittens and Gloves 3. Feet : Socks, Slippers 4. Neck : Cowl, Scarf, Shawl 5. Body : Sweater, Poncho, Vest, Tank-Top, Skirt, Dress
Quarter 2 Challenges
- Complete a project in 3 of the following categories:
1. Fair-Isle
2. Double Knitting / Tapestry
3. Mosaic
4. Brioche or Intarsia
5. Do Yourself Stripes
Quarter 3 Challenges
- Complete a project in 3 of the following categories:
Classy (yarn classification)l!
1. Lace
2. Fingering
3. Sport/DK
4. Worsted
5. Bulky & above
Quarter 4 Challenges
- Complete a project in 3 of the following categories:
1. Modify a Pattern
2. Craft a Gift
3. Craft for Self-care
4. Craft with Souvenir Stash
5. Craft with New Stash
Project must be more than 100yds.
1 of your projects per quarter can be a pre-2024 WIP
Only 1 project per category and 1 category per project
All projects started and finished in 2024 are eligible for entries in the challenges.
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
Learn more
* Indicates required question
Your email
Dashboard Display Name (Discord, Ravelry, Instagram):
Your answer
LINK (http://) to projects details:
Picture of finished object
Date started
Date complete
Yarn Used
(Example: Ravelry, Discord post, public social media, etc)
Your answer
Select your project exploration category:
Colorful: Fair-Isle
Colorful: Double Knitting - Tapestry
Colorful: Mosaic
Colorful: Brioche or Instarsia
Colorful: Do it yourself stripes
Cozy : Head
Cozy : Hands
Cozy : Feet
Cozy : Neck
Cozy : Body
Classy: Lace
Classy: Fingering
Classy: Sport/DK
Classy: Worsted
Classy: Bulky & above
Creative: Modify a Pattern
Creative: Craft a Gift
Creative: Craft for Self-care
Creative: Craft with Souvenir Stash
Creative: Craft with New Stash
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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