"Interested/Waiting List" Saturday Farmers Market presented by BayCare and the Winter Farmers Market.
Please fill out the following information to be signed up on the interest/waiting list.  The Committee considers all vendors based on market need and order on the waiting list.  All items must be locally grown by you or handmade of original design by you with the appropriate permits, licenses, and insurance.  No distributors or re-selling.
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Which market(s) are you interested in? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Business Name
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Contact Phone Number *
Email Address *
Market correspondence will be through email. Please provide an email address that is frequently checked.
Business Website
Check Your Product Type *
Please list exactly what you intend to vend: *
Example:  peas, carrots, handmade wool mittens, eggs.
Vendors on the wait list will be asked to review and confirm the provided information once per year.
If you have any questions, please e-mail info@downtowngreenbay.com
Thank you!
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