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Please visit for our current recruitment form. This is an *old* recruitment form that is no longer active. Thank you for your interest in joining Students vs Pandemics!

Students vs Pandemics is an interdisciplinary group of Harvard grad and undergrad students building community among students and empowering them to make a positive impact on health and overall wellness during times of crisis. Our three primary goals are to deliver transparency and communication, build community, and identify needs and innovate solutions.
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First name *
Last name *
Email *
Gmail for google drive *
University *
If you are not a Harvard affiliate, would you be interested in starting an SvP chapter at your school?
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Department / Degree *
ex: HKS / MPP
Graduation year *
If you're not a student, what is your affiliation with the university?
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How would you like to contribute to the Students vs Pandemics? *
Feel encouraged to fill out "other"!
Are you interested in leading committees in any of the topic areas above (or other areas)?
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If yes, what committee(s) would you like to lead? Please rank.
Do you have any skills, resources, or experiences that you could share with the group?
Would you feel comfortable sharing your name and contact info with other members of the Students vs Pandemics team? *
How did you hear about SvP? *
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