Welcome to our Norwex Facebook Block Party! You'll be both host and consultant for your party!
I am so glad that you are jumping into this multi-host block party to launch (or re-launch) your biz!  There are a few things that you need to know about your commitment as a consultant.  This "training party" is going to be so helpful for your business.  This is how you will do your parties from here on out....only with YOU running the partiy!  You can take it and make it your own, but the host coaching and fundamentals that you learn here will propel your business forward!  Make good notes during the party so you can reference them anytime!

Our goal is to SHOW, SHARE, & SERVE our guests.  We do this by inviting them personally, TAGGING them in posts, replying to their comments, showing your own before and after photos, answering their questions, and following up with them to provide amazing customer service!

As a leadership team, we are doing the party for you and donating the prizes that your guests can win.  You will get your 35% earnings, bookings, and recruits from any of your guests; however, some of you may have some friends that have already booked with your leader from past parties.  Please do not ask your leader for those bookings even if they are your friends.  

This party is a gift to you for sales, commissions & bookings that are not already in progress.  After this, you will have everything you need to succeed with your new bookings.  An excellent goal to shoot for is $1000 in sales with at least 3 bookings to help you be off and running in your biz!

It's going to be AMAZING!  Watch this video for more details on what you need to do next:
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Watch the FULL video for the Secret Word!!! 😍
The Secret Word is:
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address: *
Mobile phone:
Create a party on your website and send me the link (if you want to see me do it in video, click here: https://youtu.be/_ia_2Mtl6mI)
➑️Once you have your Party Ordering Link, paste it HERE so I can add it to the ordering links for the party!
Use this paper to get your guest list going. Inviting is a process that we will teach you. Do not invite anyone yet. Just get going on this list for now!
Communicating with our guests and each other
You will need to message your guests PRIVATELY to let them know that you are their host AND consultant even though we are doing most of the party for you.  Please do NOT post your individual party link or ask them (in our party group) to join your vip page or anything that will confuse your fellow team members' guests who are also in the party.  We will have multiple consultants launching in the party so please communicate with your customers and future hosts &/or team members PRIVATELY so they will be buying from you, booking with you, joining your VIP group, and signing up under you! πŸ₯°

We want you to have the best success possible and communicating with your guests from the start is essential!  We want them to have the consultant connection with you and not us and that will only happen through private communication from the beginning.  

1. FIRST THING I need you to do is to request to join the Party Group so I can make you a Moderator (you will ONLY approve YOUR invited guests)!

2. PERSONALLY INVITE your guests. This is how I train my hosts to invite: https://youtu.be/Ike_gLz4_7g AND here are some inviting scripts that you can base your personal messages from: https://forms.gle/fdSnnt4RL7MUEiqD9
(SAMPLE MESSAGE: Hi Friend! I hope you are well!😊 I'm having a Norwex Healthy Home ONLINE party next weekend!!! I love these products so much!! I love how much faster & easier they make my cleaning... and already are saving me money, too! I think you'd LOVE them!! πŸ₯° Would you like to be part of the workshop? If you'd like to join, here's the link & I'll watch for you so I can approve you right away! {{Party Link}}"

3. COMMENT on all of my posts, TAG your guests in the posts that you want them to see, and POST your before and after photos and why you love Norwex. You can do a quick pop-in LIVE demo sharing one of your favorite products. Your guests are far more likely to see YOUR interaction and posts than mine, since YOU are their FB connection.

4. FOLLOW-UP with your guests! You want to privately message them to answer questions, help with their orders, ask them if they'd like to host in your next Norwex Online Block Party Workshop, etc. Your #1 goal is to get bookings so you can kick off YOUR OWN multi-host online parties! Decide in advance when you plan to do your Block Party Workshops so you know what dates to give them when they say they'd like to host. This Bootcamp and my Formula are ALL about helping you know HOW I do my online party workshops!

5. Your leaders and I will be running this Launch Party for you, as well as covering the prizes. We expect that YOU will be honoring the hosting gifts, hosting samples, etc with those who decide to host with you. It is intended to participate in this Launch (or relaunch) online party one time and then take your bookings to be off and running your own online party biz! That is where you'll start seeing amazing results and success! πŸ’• I'm so excited to have you part of this workshop!!! Remember to participate, comment, post and tag your guests!! πŸ™‚ And aim to have at least 40 guests in the party! Inviting is KEY!
Samples - we will not be talking about samples in this team party, but you can privately ask your invited guests if they'd like you to send them some samples.

1. Cut up Envirocloth and Window Cloth for samples - fold in half, cut, fold in half, cut...until you have 16 pieces each. Samples SELL! (**I cut my EnviroCloth into 4 strips and then cut each in 1/2 and in 1/2 again to get 16 samples from one Enviro; and I get 20 samples from a Window Cloth, cutting 5 strips and then cutting each strip into 4!)

2. Print out the samples flier, which you can get from your leader, and put your name on them.

3. As you are asking your guests if they'd like an invite and they say YES, ask if they'd like you to mail them some samples! Once you are doing your own Block Parties, we encourage you to set up a google form to collect requests for samples, but for this Launch Party, we'll be relying on your personal conversations with your guests.

4. Put the samples along with the flier in an envelope with a 70 cent stamp and mail to the customers that request them.

5. Mail samples ASAP~the sooner you can get them in the mail, the better!

6. If you haven't been able to get an EnviroCloth and Window Cloth to cut up yet, check in with the leaders who invited you to participate- you may be able to purchase a set from that person so you can create your samples. 🀩
Booking Gifts
With participating in this party, we'll be extending this booking gift offer and you'll be responsible to fulfill this to your host when you close his or her party.  

You will also be responsible for sending the hosting packets to your hosts who book from this party with you, so I encourage you to get those put together so you can mail them some samples to start using before the party.  Please be in private contact with your guests about hosting with YOU. If you wish to set up a google form to take in your host's info for your future Block Parties, your leader can help you with that! I recommend it highly.  πŸ’•Our goal is to make your journey easier by sharing some of our exclusive team resources along the way, but you will still need to put in the work to edit it to your info, etc.
In the team party, we offer an incentive to book before the party is closed. This gift will be added on to their host order WHEN YOU CLOSE THEIR QUALIFYING PARTY. By participating in this party, you agree that you will fulfill to YOUR booking guests. (They get their gift when I submit their party order, so it is simple for you to offer this same offer to your hosts).    NOTE: I send a hosting packet to my hosts, so you'll want to have those ready for your hosts who book, too! And aim to get them in the mail as soon as possible! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜
πŸ‘‰πŸΌNOTE:  In addition to your 35% commission and sales credit, you will also be getting this month's host rewards! Please note - you need at least one booking to unlock $550 or $1,000 level rewards.   As you build YOUR online party platform, you can offer special bonuses to your rockstar hosts- this is an example of what I give my hosts the opportunity to earn (the added $25 spree and $50 spree at the bottom)- these will not apply to you as the consultant hosting, but I wanted to share this in case you'd like to offer this to your UPCOMING hosts.
Your Calendar
Set your next TWO Block Party Workshop dates right now so that when your guests want to book a party with you, you have a plan....a plan that fits into your family schedule!  You will need about 5 days to do a party like this one so decide if you want to party Thursday through Monday or Monday through Friday, or whatever combo you would like.  You just need to have a plan.  When you are ready for business, business will come!
Are you willing to do everything outlined here in this document so we can partner together to get your FB party business rocking? *
Let's do this! We are so excited to see where this takes your business & so glad to have you part of our Norwex Team!!! Stay tuned for our inviting tips and party cleaning challenges!
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