Registration form First Steps 2024/25 in Maastricht
The First Steps workshop general sessions will take place in Kids Garden, Maastricht. 

- 23 October, 8.30-9.30 p.m. ONLINE  kick-off introduction session for those who sign up

- 26 November, 3-5 p.m.: case 1

- 25 January 2024, 3-5 p.m.: case 2

- 8 March 2024, 3-5 p.m.: case 3

- 12 April, 3-5 p.m.: case 4

- 24 May 3-6 p.m. case 5 and closing party

Team sessions’ dates will be determined by each team, usually 1-2 weeks before the general session. These can take place in person but also online.

For questions, please contact us at

By filling in this form you agree that Family Enrichment Nederland will collect, store and use your personal information for purposes of this and other workshops of Family Enrichment Nederland.
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Email *
Name spouse 1 *
Name spouse 2 *
Phone number spouse 1
For communication via WhatsApp
Email address spouse 1 *
Phone number spouse 2
For communication via WhatsApp
Email address spouse 2 *
For purpose of the in-person sessions, we would appreciate it if you could let us know whether you have children, and their ages.
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