Kindred 2.0 application
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In game name
Discord name (and the 4 numbers)
Age (18+)
What time zone/part of the world are you from?
Have you been banned on a server before(wont effect your chances, so just be honest and if yes, why and when)?
A little about your life
What’s your experience with Minecraft? (when did you start, how long have you been playing?)
What are some great stuff that you've built, What would you say you're best at? Redstone? big buildings? etc.?
 How often will you play? Are you daily? once a week? and for how long?
 Past experience on other vanilla servers?
Have you read the rules and info section below?
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Anything/extra information? Anything you want to say or ask?
Rules and info
KINDRED is a small community-based server where everyone knows everyone. We maintain a very small group of players from around the world with varying levels of activity, focus and skill; from building small houses/settlements to large structures/compounds and OP farms  (both, jointly and independently), The server is “HARD Vanilla”. We're not a big mainstream server. More of a private server looking for a few more players. Looking for a quiet place to figure out minecraft multiplayer, or an advanced duster looking for a true vanilla server without a bunch of mechanical interference....
We are looking for people who are mature,  fun, and who will be dedicated to the server. We don’t want 1 time and or casual players, or server hoppers. We're not looking to recruit just anyone; troublemakers, griefing and stealing etc. is neither welcome or tolerated. While it doesn't hurt, you need not be a "Master Builder". Rather, we're looking for dedicated people that respect others and their efforts, and have a desire to enhance their world as we do.

18+ only
No griefing
No non consenting PvP
No general item duplication
No laggy redstone in spawn chunks
Dont spawn the Wither Boss outside the designated areas
2 months of being inactivity on the server may result in a ban
Keep item storage (ie chests) in spawn chunks to minimum

- I need the discord name AND the 4 numbers after the name. if i don't have them i cant contact you
-Please have your discord set that you can receive friend requests from everyone so i can again contact you. (my user name starts with grim or Surfing so you know its me)
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