Backstage Week RSVP
This is a form to sign up for events during Backstage Week in Fall 2024. We're so excited for you to join us! We have an excellent lineup of workshops and social events planned for this semester.

Please contact the Tech Liaison, PK, at with any questions.
Email *
Which events are you interested in?
Bagel Brunch Kickoff Social
Tech Directing 101
Working with and Being an Assistant
Intro to Lighting Production
Developing New Musicals
Monday Loeb Shop Training
Intro to Lighting Programming
Agassiz Orientation
Career Pathways into Directing
Scenic & Paint Design
Intro to Lighting Design
Loeb Costume Shop Training
Theater Survival Guide
Musical Theater Composition
Prop Design
Agassiz Wed Shop Training [FULL]
Agassiz Costume Shop Training
Arranging Music for Theater
Thursday Loeb Shop Training
Hair Love: Natural Hair Design
Intro to Sound Design
Makeup & Hair Designs
Broadway Producing
Costume Design!
Agassiz Friday Shop Training
Closing Social
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Any dietary restrictions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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