Invitation to Host a Classroom Presentation on Climate Solutions & Justice
Hello teachers! The Vision 2030 team is excited to offer you and your students our Keystone Lesson on Climate Solutions and Justice, an opportunity for students to experience a free, interactive, and online (or in person) presentation to explore our region’s 2030 climate goals and solutions, and project-learning and job opportunities.
Through our presentation and guided activities, students learn about local climate solutions in the built environment, transportation, consumption and waste, food and agriculture, trees and other natural systems. Our lesson also engages students in conversation about how communities can develop solutions that help our most vulnerable populations with the effects of climate change. All presentations are given by trained presenters who have registered as volunteers with your district.
The format and duration for presentations are flexible (e.g., 30, 50, 75 minutes, 2-session presentations, etc.)
Please use this form to indicate your interest and we will follow-up with you to schedule a presentation.
This form is maintained by Vision 2030, a team of teachers, volunteers and nonprofit and governmental organizations. We support a local, place-based approach to educate middle and high school students about our region’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50 percent from 1990 levels by 2030. Our teamwork is coordinated by the nonprofit organization SAGE. Learn more at You can also see the Keystone Lesson on Climate Solutions and Justice online at this website.
Contact SAGE with questions at 971-717-6570 or