Tuesday 24th March Guided Practice
Make sure you are checking the scale for each question, as it is different in each image!
What is your name? *
Use this image to answer the next two questions...
What is the perimeter of the green figure (a) in the image above? *
1 point
What is the perimeter of the purple figure (b) in the image above? HINT: the diagonal line is 5m long. *
1 point
Use this image for the next four questions... HINT: Look at the scale!
What is the perimeter of the pink figure (a)? *
1 point
What is the perimeter of the blue figure (b)? *
1 point
What is the perimeter of the orange figure (c)? *
1 point
Which colour figure, in question 2, has the greatest perimeter? *
1 point
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