JHS Conditional Superstitions:
Good luck, bad luck, and much more!
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English name: *
Class: *
Number: *
Read these:
Choose the correct answer based on the reading above:
1. People in _____________ say, if you sneeze before you leave the house, you will have bad luck! *
1 point
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2. In Italy, you will need to _______________ into the water fountain to make your wish come true. *
1 point
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3. People in Japan are scared of... *
1 point
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4. If you want to be lucky in Brazil, you should... *
1 point
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5. People in England think black cats are... *
1 point
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Read these:
6. A girlfriend in _____________ will be unhappy if her boyfriend gives her a handkerchief (手帕). *
1 point
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7. Walking under a ladder will give you bad luck, according to people in... *
1 point
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8. If you break a mirror, you will have bad luck for ______ (type the number) years! *
1 point
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9. Mexican mothers tell their children to never.... *
1 point
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10. Koreans say, "if you wash your hair, ... *
1 point
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Superstitions: Speaking
In (where), people believe if ___(what)____, you will /won't ____ (result)____ . Do you believe in/follow this superstition?
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