Cooperation Humboldt Strategic Hiatus--want to join us to "Reclaim the Dream"?
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Cooperation Humboldt’s Strategic Hiatus 2023+

During this time, programming will be suspended and we will not be engaging with the general public. This is an intentional shift to allow us the time and space to regroup with thoughtfulness, intention, and integrity.

Critical Questions. The board (and other individuals by invitation) will be exploring these and other critical questions in an attempt to decide Cooperation Humboldt’s future:

  • Is the current mission and approach moving and interesting to Black, Indigenous, and people of color, working class folks, people of all ages? What would better engage a base that is more inclusive across age, gender, race/ethnicity?

  • How can we map the history and dynamics that contributed to the organization’s repeated history of interpersonal conflict and harm? 

  • What is the wisest way to move forward from the harmful impacts of past participants? How can we learn from the many other radical organizations that have navigated similar situations and created healing and accountability space?

Possibilities. We don’t yet know what Cooperation Humboldt will (or won’t) be at the conclusion of this process. We remain open to all possibilities, including:

  • Keeping our nonprofit status and stewarding resources until we’re ready to start fresh, from scratch, however long it takes. (Possibly even with a new name?)

  • Ramping up to return to a robust staff-led organization once again. 

  • Transitioning to a primarily volunteer-led organization.

  • Ending Cooperation Humboldt as a nonprofit and distributing assets to other nonprofit(s) with aligned missions.

  • Something entirely different - as yet unimagined.

The board will convene in May to start planning the next steps and we will be in touch after that with an invitation to join us in reflection and re-visioning. Your responses to the questions below will help us with the plan as well as help us understand how and what each of you would like to contribute.

Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone Number
How would you like to be contacted? *
How would you like to engage in the process? *
We're interested in the ways you would most like to participate. We won't be able to offer everything on this list, so please help us choose the best ways to reach the most people.
Do you have any questions, advice, or comments for us?
Thank you!! 
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