Maximize Your Home's Potential: Leveraging IRA Benefits for a Greener Wisconsin

Date: Saturday, August 24th

Time: 10 AM-Noon

Location: League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County (6737 W Washington St, West Allis) 

Join League of Women Voters, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, and Green Homeowners United  for "Maximize Your Home's Potential: Leveraging IRA Benefits for a Greener Wisconsin," an event designed to help homeowners take full advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to save money and fight climate change. Learn how you can take advantage of generous housing rebates, energy efficiency funding, and green financing options that not only lower your utility bills but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a healthier environment.

Learn about key programs such as the Home Efficiency Rebate Program (HOMES) and the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR), which offer significant rebates for energy-saving improvements like insulation, efficient heating systems, and electric appliances. These rebates provide up to $10,000 for comprehensive energy upgrades​. 

We'll provide essential tools and guides, like the IRA Incentive Calculator, to help you plan and execute your home improvements effectively. The event will end with a collaborative discussion focused on effective ways to share this important information within our communities, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Please register by August 23rd to secure your spot. Lunch will be provided!

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