Windham County NRCD Farm Team Intake Form
Please fill out the intake form and we will then reach out to you to schedule your first meeting. Please email or call 802-689-3024 if you have any questions
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Farm Name *
Owner/Operator Name *
Managers Name (If different from Owner/ Operator)
Address *
Email *
Phone Number *
Farm Size *
Farm type *
General goals, issues or concerns for the business (ex. Converting to cover crop, addressing manure storage or long term succession): *
Please list any providers you are currently working with or have worked with in recent years(NRCS, UVM Extension, grazing specialists, business planners, seed/fertilizer consultants, etc)            Name/Organization Email/Phone *
“I give permission for the Windham County NRCD to coordinate my Farm Team by contacting my agriculture service providers.” *
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