Kingston bus to River Run (Sept 18, 2024)
Just Futures Kingston invites you to join us in walking with Grassy Narrows youth and community members to show that we are with them on their path to achieve mercury justice and freedom!

Grassy Narrows is currently suing Ontario and Canada over industrial mercury contamination of their land, which has caused illness in the Indigenous community for decades. But Grassy Narrows has successfully stopped colonial activity on their land before! Please come and be part of this latest generation of struggle. 

Meet us on Wednesday, September 18 at at the Memorial Centre for an 8am departure from Kingston.

The event in Toronto will run from roughly 12pm to 3:30pm, with a return to Kingston immediately after. This march is a family-friendly event.

If you are part of a group, please ask each person to fill out this form so we have their contact info; if you are bringing a child or children, just let us know below so we can be sure to have enough seats.

We ask that you pack a lunch and check the weather in advance to dress appropriately. The bus will be going rain or shine! If you are able to make a small donation on the day to offset the cost of the bus, that would be appreciated but not required.

Questions? Email or call Aric at 613.985.1117.

If this form is open, there is still room on the bus!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address (for updates and reminders in advance) *
Mobile Phone (in case of emergency) *
Do you want to participate in some activities on the bus? *
To help Kingston activists to meet new people and get to know each other on the way to Toronto, we're offering you the chance to participate in "speed-dating" type chats. This is totally optional, but it affects where people will sit on the bus.
How certain are you that you'll be able to attend?
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Is there anything else you want the bus organizers to know? 
For example: Bringing a child and need extra seats. Accessibility concerns. Planning to take the bus only in one direction. Etc.
Please add me to the Just Futures Kingston email list...
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