Picnic with the Candidates RSVP Form

To show our appreciation for every connection & contribution to democracy, the Clermont County Democratic Candidates enthusiastically invite you:

join us for a picnic in the park

Bring your neighbors, family & friends, pack a picnic basket, and enjoy an autumn day with us!

Saturday, October 19, 10-6 @ Pattison Park, 2228 US Highway 50 (Owensville/Batavia)

Bring yourselves, and if you’re inclined, something to share. bring your own picnic stuff or don't. We'll have plenty to share with folks. We'll also have some fun & games for all ages. We are grateful for each of you & your contributions of time, energy & money! It takes a village after all. Let's keep showing up, making change, working, dreaming & laughing together. If you've been wanting to meet any of your local 2024 Democratic Candidates, this is an easy opportunity. Picnic is open to all, RSVP appreciated for planning purposes.   

There will be Canvass Launches at 10a, 1p & 4p for folks who want to help us continue knocking doors in the community. 

Yours in Community,

Dem Local Candidates

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
How many people are attending? Adults? Kids? *
When between 10-6 are you likely to attend?  *
Are you planning to canvass? *
Are you willing to volunteer for picnic? *
Are you willing to contribute items for picnic? *
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
See you in the park! Mark your calendar: OCTOBER 19th                  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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