Exploring Volunteer of the Month Nomination Form
This form is for the nomination of national, regional, area, council, or district volunteers for the National Exploring's Volunteer of the month award.
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Nominees Name *
Nominees Email Address *
Nominees Phone *
What is the nominee's shirt size? *
Which level(s) does the nominee volunteer for Exploring? (select all that apply) *
What council (if any) is the nominee affiliated? If not a council, please indicate where the nominee currently volunteers with Exploring. *
How long has the nominee volunteered with Exploring? (please only indicate Exploring volunteerism) *
Why should the nominee be selected for Exploring's Volunteer of the Month? (consider including dates, positions, activities, specific examples of exemplary Exploring service, and detailed reasons to consider the nominee) *
Nominator's Name *
Nominator's Email Address *
Nominator's Phone # *
Nominator's Council or Affiliation to Exploring *
Additional Comments
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