Please complete all required fields to register your International Coastal Cleanup Day site(s). Cleanup sites are registered on a first come basis.

If you would like to apply for a stipend to conduct your ICC event, please also complete the form at the following link:

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:      Friday , July 26, 2024 at 3 pm
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Group/Organisation *
Address *
Parish *
Phone *
Email *
Name (Contact person 1) *
Position in coordinating organisation/group (Contact person 1) *
Cell phone number (Contact person 1) *
Email address (Contact person 1) *
Name (Contact person 2) *
Position in coordinating organisation/group (Contact person 2) *
Cell phone number (Contact person 2) *
Email address  (Contact person 2) *
Are you a 1st time participant? *
How many sites do you plan to clean up? *
Site 1 (Name) *
Site 1 (Parish) *
Is site 1 underwater or on land? *
Site 2 (Name)
Site 2 (Parish)
Is site 2 underwater or on land?
Clear selection
Site 3 (Name)
Site 3 (Parish)
Is site 3 underwater or on land?
Clear selection
Site 4 (Name)
Site 4 (Parish)
Is this site underwater or on land?
Clear selection
Number of volunteers  *
Read the following section carefully!
By checking this box, we agree to return all data collected at our International Coastal Cleanup event in the form of completed coordinator and volunteer data cards before the deadline of October 9, 2024. We understand that failure to do so will result in our group being required to return IN FULL any stipend received from the Jamaica Environment Trust, and our organization potentially being barred from participating as site coordinators in any future staging of the International Coastal Cleanup Day project coordinated by the Jamaica Environment Trust. ALL images, reels and other content posted on social media must tag Jamaica Environment Trust's social media pages, as well as include the following hashtags:
#keepwiislandclean #beachcleanupja2024 #beachcleanupjamaica #nuhduttyupjamaica
Instagram: @jamentrust1991 @nuhduttyupjamaica
Twitter: @jamentrust @nuhduttyupja
Data Disclaimer:
Please note that the Jamaica Environment Trust respects your right to privacy. Our collection of your personal information, therefore, will be limited to communication purposes for arranging our ICC events only.
For further information contact:
Jamaica Environment Trust (JET)
123 Constant Spring Road, Unit #5,
Kingston 8
Telephone: 960-3693
Fax: 926-0212

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