Goddess Fish Promotions Virtual Book Tour Partners Listing 2024*
By submitting this form you are giving consent for Goddess Fish Promotions to email you with invites for various author promotions, as well as sending other pertinent information regarding hosting tours with us. Your details will not be used in any other way, or passed to anyone else. To unsubscribe from this list you may email us at goddessfish@gmail.com with your request to be removed.
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Your Name *
The Official Name of your Blog  (If you have more than one blog, please put EACH blog in as a separate entry) *
The URL for your blog *
the direct link to your blog -- please start your answer with http://
Your email address *
Where you want us to send tour information and invitations
Please Check ALL Genres you are willing to host
Simply put one X in the box for each genre you will host on your blog, so we can send you appropriate invitations
Contemporary Romance
Historical Romance
Includes any stories from mid- 1900s and earlier
Sweet Romance / Inspirational Romance
DO NOT check this box if your blog primarily features erotic romance, or if you're an erotic romance author
Romantic Suspense
Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy Romance
Erotic Romance
Includes all sub-genres (contemporary, historical, paranormal, etc)
May include erotic, non-erotic, non-romance and occasional juvenile fiction
Children's Fiction / Young Adult Fiction
DO NOT check this box if your blog primarily features erotic romance, or if you're an erotic romance author
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Includes non-romance SFF and those with romantic elements
Mainstream Mystery / Suspense / Thriller
Non-romance or minimal romantic elements
Women's Fiction / Chick Lit
Mainstream Fiction / Literary Fiction
If you post reviews on your site, may we ask you to review books and stories that fall in the genres you're interested in? *
This question is for reviews only tours -- you are NOT required to review anything, and we never automatically add you to review a book, but this will opt you in to receive invitations so you may decide on your own
If yes, what review file format do you prefer?
NOTE: We may not always have the choices (PDF will be default), but will send the best format for you if it's available.
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Do you have a standard set of interview questions or blog topics you use?
If so, please paste them here for us to keep on file. If we already have them on file, please just put "on file" here.
Would you like to be on the "auto add" host list? See below for explanation. *
We would sometimes automatically add you to promo only tours (Book Blast, Blurb Blitz, or Excerpt tour) and send you the information immediately. We would sometimes auto add you to standard tours (VBT or NBTM - with interview/blog post – we would require questions or topics from you for our files) and send you the scheduled date to add to your calendar.   We will never auto-add to review only tours -- those you would need to volunteer for.  NOTE: we would limit your daily stops with us to a maximum of two per day and we wouldn't add you to every tour, but instead use these hosts judiciously.
Average number of DAILY visitors to your blog *
If you use Blogger, they have stats available -- otherwise we strongly recommend using a stat counter of some sort to track your blog numbers
Do you live in the United States? *
This question is ONLY for the awarding of host prizes. Occasionally, the author will offer a tangible prize with limited shipping availability and we'll use this information at that time.  It won't be used for anything else.
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