National Guidance Festival 2022 by CBSE in association with Lifology Foundation
‘What do you want to become in Future?’ is perhaps the most asked question to our children when they grow up. The real question is ‘How to decide What they want to become in Future’?. This decision becomes tough and complex in the current scenario where a lot of changes are happening in the world of careers. This signifies the role of scientific Career and Skill Guidance at schools. NEP 2020 also emphasises the importance of scientific guidance for children at schools.

In order to add more value to your current initiatives in this area, CBSE, in collaboration with Lifology Foundation, is inviting the participation of students from class VIII-XII for a 6-day Certified National Guidance Festival to inspire & guide them to plan their future. This uniquely crafted program will provide students with information on future careers, skillsets to excel in the coming days and a clear plan regarding “Which career paths to choose and How to reach the destination”.

The sessions will be a mix of expert talk, interaction, experiential learning and exposure to Assessments & Scientific Career Guidance. Through this program we aim to make the students receive world-class guidance from the globe’s top-notch experts and to help them to co-create a vibrant future.
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