【資料ダウンロードフォーム(インターハイスクール)/Brochure PDF Download】 
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申込者・氏 Applicant's last name *
申込者・名 Applicant's first name *
申込者・氏(フリガナ) Applicant's last name (katakana) *
申込者・名(フリガナ) Applicant's first name (katakana) *
申込者・性別 Applicant's gender
入学検討者との関係 Relationship with prospective student *
申込者・郵便番号(ハイフン無し) Applicant's postal number (without hyphen "-") *
申込者・都道府県 Applicant's address (line 1) *
申込者・市区郡 Applicant's address (line 2) *
申込者・町村 Applicant's address (line 3) *
申込者・地番 Applicant's address (line 4) *
申込者・方書 Applicant's address (line 5)
申込者・電話番号(優先)(ハイフン無し) Applicant's primary telephone number (without hyphen "-") *
申込者・電話番号(予備)(ハイフン無し) Applicant's secondary telephone number (without hyphen "-")
申込者・Emailアドレス(優先) Applicant's primary email address *
申込者・Emailアドレス(予備) Applicant's secondary email address
入学検討者・氏 Prospective student's last name
入学検討者・名 Prospective student's first name
入学検討者・氏(フリガナ) Prospective student's last name (katakana)
入学検討者・名(フリガナ) Prospective student's first name (katakana)
入学検討者・性別 Prospective student's gender
入学検討者・生年月日(西暦) Prospective student's date of birth
入学検討者・住所 Prospective student's address
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入学検討者・郵便番号(ハイフン無し) Prospective student's postal number (without hyphen "-")
例:1500002(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・都道府県 Prospective student's address (line 1)
例:東京都(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・市区郡 Prospective student's address (line 2)
例:渋谷区(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・町村 Prospective student's address (line 3)
例:渋谷(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・地番 Prospective student's address (line 4)
例:1-23-18(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・方書 Prospective student's address (line 5)
例:ワールドイーストビル4F(上で「申込者と異なる」を選んだ場合のみ記入 / Please write here if you choose "Different from applicant" above)
入学検討者・電話番号(ハイフン無し) Prospective student's primary telephone number (without hyphen "-")
入学検討者・Emailアドレス Prospective student's email address
使用言語(複数選択可) Prefered language
最終学校名(在学中の場合は現在の学校名) Last school attended (current school if you are enrolled)
学年(現在の状況) Current grade
備考(その他特記事項) Note or comment
当校に興味を持たれた理由を教えて下さい(複数回答可) Tell us the reason(s) of your interest in our school (you can choose more than one)
"当校を何でお知りになりましたか?(複数回答可)" How did you come to know our school? (You can choose more than one)
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