HMS Mentorship Program - Mentee
Thank you for your interest in finding a Mentor. Please answer the following questions. 
We will share the answers with the HMS Board.
Email *
First and last name *
What degree(s) have you already completed, and at which institution(s)? *
What position are you currently in, or what degree are you currently pursuing (undergraduate, medical school, post-graduate, residency, etc) ? Please also state what institution you are affiliated with. *
What specialty are you pursuing through your program, or what specialty are interested in pursuing in the future?  *
Are you currently involved in research? If so, please elaborate on your research and any on-going projects you are involved in. *
Which specialty subgroup(s) would you be interested in joining? If you are interested in a subgroup that you do not see here, please add a new one. 
Would you be interested in becoming the leader/ key person of a specialty subgroup? This position would entail several responsibilities, including being the person of contact for people interested in that field, organizing meetings, facilitating communication among members of HMS, etc. If so, please indicate which group you would like to represent, and tell us about your experience in the specific field and plans for the future. Please limit your response to 350 words. 
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