Mental Health in Athletics
Inside the Box: A Mental Health Initiative  is looking for relevant information from athletes about their experiences with mental health and sport. We will use this information to create presentations and courses, and decide how we can best help our community.
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What type of sport do you play? *
How do you identify? *
How old are you? *
Has your mental health ever been negatively affected by the sport(s) you play? *
Has a coach ever had a negative impact on your mental health? *
Select the options that you feel have negatively impacted your mental health. *
Explain why your mental health was affected by your previous answers. Ex) What type of language affected you? What negative things would you say to yourself? Who did you want encouragement from?
What do you want future coaches to know? What can we do differently to ensure that athletics have a positive impact on the mental health of athletes?
Let us know what has had a positive impact on your mental health? Ex) Experiences, attributes, questions, conversations, etc.
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