2024 Fourth of July Window Decorating Entry
Red, White, & Blue  Window Decorating  Contest

$100 Prizes to window with the Best Use of Theme + voters choice award!

Parade Theme: "Fallon Forward"

Open to all businesses in Churchill County!

Windows must be decorated by July 1st, Voters Choice will take place at the Block Party on Maine Street on July 4th.

Call 775-423-2544 by 6/28/2024 to register your window!

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By filling out this application and partaking in the Annual Fourth of July Parade, participating individuals, businesses, and organizations acknowledge the following: We wish to participate in the Fallon Fourth of July  Window Decorating Contest. The organization or individual(s) identified in this form shall, as a condition of participation, identify and hold harmless the City of Fallon, Churchill County and The Fallon Chamber of Commerce its officers, directors and committee members from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages and/or expenses on account of bodily injury or property damage arising out of their participation in the  Fallon Fourth of July Window Decorating Contest. Furthermore, the said individual(s)/organization will defend on behalf of the City, County and Chamber all claims or suits for bodily injury or property damage arising out of their participation in the Fallon Fourth of July Window Decorating Contest. I also understand that any sponsor may, for publication or promotion, use my name or pictures of my participation in this event without obligation or liability to me. This agreement shall be governed and in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, County and City of Fallon laws. This Agreement shall be effective when executed by both parties hereto.
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