Bearfoot Volunteer Application Form: Fall Social Emotional Groups 2024 
Upcoming in person volunteer opportunities for the fall!
- You must be able to attend all sessions in a series (either 8 weeks or 10 weeks) 
- On the first day of group, volunteers must arrive by 3:15 pm
- On other days, volunteers are required to arrive by/before 3:30 pm
- Volunteers are required to stay until 5:45 after group to debrief from the day
- Volunteers are financially responsible for fingerprinting costs before group (required) 


Fall Tinkers:
8 week series 
Dates: Every Monday September 9th - November 4th
No session 10/14
Extra make up sessions: 11/18, 12/9, 12/16
Glen Canyon Park, San Francisco

Fall Sprouts:
10 week series
Dates: Every Tuesday, September 10th-November 12th
Extra make up sessions: 11/19, 12/3, 12/10
Glen Canyon Park, San Francisco

Fall Trekkers:
10 week series
Dates: Every Thursday, September 12th - November 21st
No group on 10/31
Extra make up sessions: 12/5 and 12/12
Glen Canyon Park, San Francisco

This form is the beginning of the application process. In order to be accepted as a volunteer, you must be responsive on email, book an interview with Marika (the owner) after we get in touch, and complete all intake paperwork at least 2 weeks in advance of group. This application does not guarantee a volunteer position. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name *
Phone number *
Pronouns *
Which group(s) are you interested in applying for? *
Can you attend the whole group series?  *
Why do you want to volunteer with Bearfoot OT? *
Please explain your experience working with kids *
Are you over 18?  *
Anything you'd like to add?
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