Neuromorphic Groups and Companies 
The data from this form will be used to create a world map of neuromorphic research and development. If you believe that important categories are missing from any of the questions, please contact
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What is the name of the overall organisation, company, or university? Spell it out in full. If it is better known by an acronym, please put that afterwards in brackets. Don't put the name of the specific group, lab, department, or division here: that's for the next question.

e.g. Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI)
What is the name of the research group, department, company, division, or lab you wish to list? Spell it out in full. If it is also known by an acronym, please put that afterwards in brackets. 

e.g. Sensors Group
Please give us a URL of a logo or image that represents your organisation. Make sure that the link you provide is freely available: i.e. it does not require special permissions to access. Note that Dropbox links will not work for this. By providing it here you are giving us permission to use it, but note that you are not required to supply a logo or image.
What is the best website for further information about this organisation? Please include the full URL, including the http:// *
In which country is the organisation based? If you have relevant labs in more than one country, please complete this form for each one. *
In which city or town is the organisation based? This information will be used to determine where you appear on the map. If you have substantial activities in multiple cities rather than one main center, please complete the form separately for each one. *
What is the technical focus? Choose any area where there is at least one person working half time or more.
If you chose other in the last question, please specify.
What is the main purpose of the organisation? Pick one that best fits this organisation unless none of them is even vaguely correct.
If you chose other in the last question, please specify.
How many employees and/or students are primarily concerned with neuromorphic computing, engineering, or approaches in the organisation? The answer will help others trying to understand the scope of this community.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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