Odyssey Expeditions 2024 Voyages Online Student Enrollment
Please fill out this form completely  to securely enroll for an Odyssey Expeditions voyage.  This is a six part form.  You may go back to previous pages if necessary.  Your progress is saved and you can complete this form over multiple sessions (it is connected to your email) and you can submit multiple enrollments for multiple voyages or participants.

Please be prepared to supply full enrolling student information, contact information, parents contact information.

NO PAYMENT INFORMATION IS COLLECTED ON THIS FORM, you will receive an acknowledgement and an invoice from us.  A reservation for student enrollment is not complete, and a berth for participation is not secured until both steps are completed.

This form and all data are protected by a secure server certificate.

Upon submission of Online Student Enrollment Odyssey Expeditions will contact you and will be sending an information and releases package.  A signed copy of all releases including the Terms and Conditions of participation (which is shown in full on step 5 of this Online Student Enrollment) must be returned to Odyssey Expeditions for berth reservation confirmation and voyage participation

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Email *
Voyage Enrollment Selection - *
Discover Adventure  Voyages in the Northern Windward Islands of St Lucia and Martinique - (No Experience necessary) - Tuition $5,750

Advanced / Rescue Adventure Voyages in Southern Windward Islands of St Lucia, St Vincent, and Grenada - (SCUBA Certification is a Prerequisite) - Tuition $7,350
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