Coach Course - Registration Form

Coach Course (min 2 candidates).  Course fees are per person and includes 3 days + 1 weather day.  

Course fee is $450, 3 days

Includes all theory, ground and air evaluations jumps.  

This course includes 2 evaluation jumps, you will need to purchase (4) jump tickets, plus pay for your evaluators pack jobs and a USPA rating fee of $45.  Total costs are approximately $600

There is a $350 non-refundable deposit required to reserve a slot in the course. The deposit goes towards course fees and can be paid via Venmo.

*Course fees for 1 on 1 is $800 and is based on availability.  Travel fees are paid for by the candidates. A $25 discount is applied when signing up for multiple course

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Full name *
Facebook/Instagram Alias if other than full name
Email *
Phone number *
USPA Membership Number or License Number *
How did you hear about us?
Choose the course you want to attend
For Private Course enter start date:
Years in sport
Number of jumps
Tunnel Time (hours)
Home dropzone
Do you meet all the Candidate Requirements? *
Prior to the course you will need to complete the following, please acknowledge these assignments (links to all forms are available at   *
We occasionally post pictures from our courses on our social media, do we have your permission to share pictures that you are in? *
Please send a non-refundable $350 deposit via Vemno @Angie-Aragon-1 
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