Invite 'A Land for All' For a Talk
Please fill the following form and we will contact you as soon as we can!

For any inquiries and further information about A Land for All, please contact:
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Email *
Full Name of contact person *
Whatsapp num. *
Organization *
Audience *
Please tell us a bit more about the audience expected in the lecture
Estimated number of participants *
Date and Time requested *
Location *
As the majority of our activity and staff are in Israel and Palestine, the lecture will most likely take place online via zoom. However, please mention if the group has a specific location - there might be an exemption!
What is the context of the talk? *
Will there be any other lecturers? Is it part of a series of meetings? a Conference? please specify and add relevant links if neccessary.
Any press involved? *
Is there a specific perspective you would like us to address? *
Anything else you want us to know? *
Where did you hear about us? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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