NELG Farmlands and Natural Farming
Natural farming is one of the main activities for Natural Eco Living.

1. Do community farming as both investment and as well for farm produce from your own farm.
2. Reaching farmers and helping them to introduce the need and benefit of natural farming

* In this chemical based modern living, what we eat, what we drink, what we inhale full of chemicals and toxins.

* Though organically grown farm produce is available, it's not reachable, trustable and scalable.

* In this initiative, like-minded people will be part of a group to do natural farming


మన పొలం, మన మట్టి, మన పంట, అందరి ఇంట, అందరి ఆరోగ్యం, భావితరాల అవసరం,  తగ్గుతుంది భూతాపం.

Our farm, Our soil, Our farm produce, for health, wealth and hope for future generations and also to revert Global warming.

Food should come from forest and our farm should be like a forest

NELG One Acre Model 👉👉

NELG One Acre Model blueprint walk through explained 👉👉

NELG Farmland details talk in Telugu 👉👉

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NELG Official number 👉👉 +91 630 101 6099 and +91 720 780 1177

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