I am blessed to be based in Tzfat with a worldwide chevra of about 40,000 who have connected with me from our worldwide Kabbalistic Energy calls or from my speaking engagements around the world on what is happening with the Geula from a mystical perspective.
And Today, I am privileged to daven (pray) for you (and all of Klal Yisrael) for financial abundance and a healthy parnassa b'zechut the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Klal Yisrael, Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai -- one of the Five incredible students of Rabbi Akiva - along with Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai & Rabbi Meir Ba'al HaNes
"Be Careful for What You Ask For . . . You Might Get It." Of Course - everything is confidential
NOTE: Praying / Davening for someone is always a privilege, and there is and always will be NO cost at all.
Chaim David Yosef (Eric) Targan
www.ChaimDavid.org Articles on The Geula & Healing
www.Abra-Ca-Dabra-org Kabbalistic Energy Healing
www.GeulaFoundation.org Not for Profit Foundation to help shift world to Geula Consciousness
"From the Frontlines of the Geula