Girl's club registration (女子俱乐部会员注册)-Sunday 周日12:30-2:00pm
Girl's Club registration
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By participating in our events, you grant Kindness on Board Foundation the right to use photographs/videos in various promotional materials, including but not limited to our website, social media channels, newsletters, and fundraising campaigns. Your contribution through these images helps us amplify our message and create a brighter future for those we serve.
通过参与我们的活动,您授予 Kindness on Board Foundation 在公益组织的宣传材料中使用照片/视频的权利,包括但不限于我们的网站、社交媒体渠道、时事通讯和筹款活动。这些图片的作用有助于我们扩大我们所要传递的信息的影响力,并为我们所服务的人创造更光明的未来。
First Name (名) *
Second Name (姓) *
Grade (年级) *
Email (邮件) *
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