William Sterling Spain Memorial Scholarship
We are pleased that you are interested in applying for the William Sterling Spain Memorial Scholarship. The William Sterling Spain Memorial Scholarship was established as a way to incentivize young Christian leaders to serve God by serving the Body of Christ and their local communities through acts of service.

Archbishop William Sterling Spain was the epitome of a Christian servant.  Having spent more than 60 years preaching and teaching the Gospel, he was recognized nationally and internationally as a Pastor of Pastors. His heart’s desire was to serve and empower the Body of Christ and through this scholarship, we are committed to seeing his legacy continue.

In order to assist you in preparing your application, we want to provide you with some instructions and requirements.

First, you will need to request a letter from your pastor or spiritual leader.  This letter should attest to your commitment to your faith and involvement in your community.  It should also provide insights into your character and any other relevant information that could help to support your application.

Second, you will need to provide your current grades and transcript. This should include all of your high school courses and grades obtained so far. Make sure that you have obtained official transcripts from your school, these will be required for your application.

Finally, you will need confirmation from the school that you have been accepted to. This can be in the form of an acceptance letter or email from the school.

In addition to the above, it is important that you take the time to write a thoughtful and well-written essay that answers the question, “How has your faith helped shape your values and beliefs, and what impact has this had on the choices you make in your daily life?”  The essay provides you with an opportunity to share your values, plans for the future and your faith.

Please submit your application and all supporting materials to gwkminc@aol.com by July 31st, 2024.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Elder Kimberly Monroe at 919-695-3901
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Full Name (First name, Middle Initial, Last Name):
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High School (Name, City and State):
Phone Number of High School:
Website of High School:
Graduation from High School Date:
Please list any awards or honors you've received:
Please list any sports, extracurricular, or community service activities you have participated in: 

Church Affiliation:
Church Denomination:
Church Address (City and State)
Church Website:
Church Phone:
Pastor's Name
Pastor's Phone:
Please list any church activities that you are active in:
Essay Question:  (300 Words Minimum)
How has your faith helped shape your values and beliefs, and what impact has this had on the choices you make in your daily life?

My signature below certifies that all the information I have given as part of the application process is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
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