Christopher Street Housing Application
Christopher Street is a safe place for the LGBTQ+ Community to come together, connect and be themselves.

We are not an RP community, but feel free to RP, just be respectful of those who do not wish to RP.

We are a housing and shopping community. There is currently no $L charge to live in one of the apartments and there is no plan to ever change this. There is also no charge to operate a business in one of our storefronts and no plan to ever change this either.

Please complete the following questionnaire to the best of your ability. It will allow our volunteer Concierge to learn more about you, and help us find a place for you in our community.
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Please provide us your legacy name *
What are your preferred pronouns *
Best time to Contact you in SL? *
First and foremost, we are an LGBTQ+ community. We do not require you to tell us about your sexual, gender, or lifestyle preferences, but, we do ask that you understand, if you are not LGBTQ+ friendly, this community is probably not a good fit for you. Please check all that apply. *
Christopher Street started out as a temporary housing community, for those who were homeless in SL. But we have grown! Although we still consider ourselves only a temporary residence for those just starting out, returning to SL, having RL financial hardship, or hundreds of other reasons. We love that many of the members of our community have decided to stay with us permanently. We do ask that, no matter how long you plan on staying, that you become part of the community by, frequently saying "hello" in group chat. Invite others to go shopping or dancing Etc.
I/we acknowledge that if I/we are not seen or heard from in 14 days, your bot willl flag us. Once management verifies this, your property will be returned and your rental unit will be open for someone else. You can return at any time, but we cannot guarantee you a rental unit. You will be removed from "resident" and be considered a "guest" until you contact a member of management. *
I/we understand that there is a land impact limit of 150 li per person. If you are over this limit, you will be asked to remove items until you meet the limit. If you do not respond to requests, we will remove items to bring you under the limit. We will not be responsible for "no copy" items that are returned and lost. So please, please, be careful with your li. *
I/we understand that Christopher Street is run entirely by volunteers. Sometimes it may take a day or two for us to get back to you for repairs or suggestions or even this application. So please bear with us, during busy times.
It is free to live at Christopher St, we do not charge L$. BUT, we do require you to participate in the community. You are required to say "hello" in group chat at least once a week, and join in with community events. This does not mean, you pop into group once a week and say "hello" then dont talk again for a week. If you are looking to hide in your apartment and not talk to anyone or participate in our community this is probably not a good place for you.

We do understand that time zone differences may affect your participation in events. But there is almost always someone in group chat to say hello to.
Tell us more about you, and why you would like to join our community.
I/We would like to help support the community by volunteering my/our time to one of the many Councils and groups at Christopher Street. Below are some of the many talents and experience I/we have that will contribute to Christopher Street!
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