Love by Design Mentorship Program Application
You will find that this Discovery process is unique, inspiring and transformational - as is all the work that I do.

Here's what you need to do to receive one of these powerful private conversations with Master Coach, Joëlle Lydon.
  1. Take about 10-15 minutes to fill out the application below honestly.
  2. Submit your application as soon as possible. At this time, there are a limited number of program spots available.
  3. Your application is received. Everything is kept 100% confidential.
  4. You'll be hearing from myself about scheduling if it makes sense for us to connect.  If it doesn't make sense for us to connect, we will guide you to an immediate next step so you a continue the process of relationship growth. 
A Very Important Note:  Your discovery session to explore enrolling in a Love by Design Mentorship Program is a high-level act of personal and energetic responsibility. This entire discovery session process is sacred and reserved for those who are ready to do what it takes to be in intimate, respectful and loving relationship more than anything. 

In total, it is a 3-part process consisting of an initial Zoom Session, a homework assignment, and followed by another Zoom Session. 

This entire process is complimentary and reserved for those who are willing to prioritize their Relationship healing journey.

May love guide your choices today,


*Your application includes a free subscription to weekly Love by Design emails. We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared or sold.

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Email *
Full Name
Phone Number *
Please include area code and country code
Time Zone
Home Address (Street, City, State, Country) *
Age *
Occupation  *
How did you learn about Joëlle Lydon and Your Love by Design? *
If someone referred you, please let me know.
What piques your interest about Your Love by Design?
I work with women and men who don't fit the typical stereotype of those who struggle in relationships.  I work with those who strive for excellence.

You are smart, successful, willing to be uncomfortable to get what you want... but long lasting, committed love remains elusive. 

Therefore, select which of these best describe you:
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What's currently NOT working for you in your personal and/or professional relationships and life? *
How is this impacting you on a day-to-day basis? *
How is this issue showing up in OTHER areas of your life? *
Have you ever worked with a private coach before?
In the past when working with a coach, mentor or therapist what did NOT work well for you? *
Are you currently pursuing any other training or coaching programs besides this one? *
Have you ever taken any weekend workshops, attended retreats, seminars or lectures on spirituality, relationships or overall self-improvement?
If yes, please describe  you have attended or experienced. 
Do you read self-help books?  Please list your top 3 favorites *
When it comes to FULLY committing to your desire for long lasting real love, what's getting in the way? (please select all that apply)
Your Love by Design is NOT your typical relationship coaching program.

It's NOT traditional nor is it structured like simple life coaching or therapy sessions. 

These programs are reserved for those who want to trust themselves in relationships, heart, body and soul.  These powerful life changing programs are an alternative approach specifically designed to heal your relational struggles mentally, emotionally and spiritually with real results that last a lifetime.

Therefore the investment of time, energy and resources is significant.  Is this in line with the level of support you are ready to receive and investment you are ready to make?
Please check which of these best describes your willingness to invest in relational healing. 
In making the decision to invest in support around this, are you the sole decision maker?  Would someone else be involved in the investment decision? If so, who would that person be?
How serious are you about doing whatever it takes to master your anxiety and doubt so you can lead in your personal and professional life and relationships? *
Please give an example that demonstrates how you follow through on commitments and finish what you start: *
Your Love by Design Programs are a yearlong investment in your relational transformation, although clients work with Joëlle for up to 5 years.  The lowest level of investment for working with Joëlle is $7000.  Forecasted income in the next 12 months: *
Imagine...One year from now and you are feeling joyful, connected, happy, successful and completely satisfied... what 1-3 things would you like to say are COMPLETELY TRUE? *
What specifically stands between where you are now...and that vision of where you would like to be one year from now? *
What else is important for me to know when considering you for a spot in the Your Love by Design program of your choice? *
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. Please know Joëlle will be reviewing your application and if we feel the training we provide is a match for you, you will hear from us within 48 hours barring weekends and holidays. How would you like to hear from us?
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