Homecoming Parade Entry Form

Thank you for taking interest in being in the Muscatine High School Homecoming parade for the year of 2024.  MHS Student Council requests that all floats fit the theme in some way. Please complete this form by Thursday, September 26th. 

This year’s homecoming theme is: "Disco Fever"

When: Thursday, October 3rd 
  • Arrive between 5:00 - 5:20 PM, parade starts at 6:00 PM
Where: Grant Elementary School 
  • Upon confirmation of your registration, you will be assigned a line-up position
Entry Fee: Free for MCSD Schools and Teams/Clubs; $25 for non-school district groups
  • Make checks payable to Muscatine High School Student Council
  • Drop off or mail to: Muscatine High School, Attn: Becky Huot, 2705 Cedar Street, Muscatine, IA 52761

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Email *
Name (first and last)  *
Email adress  *
Phone number *
Group/organization that is being represented *
Float type ( truck, trailer, etc) *
How many people are going to be joining your organization in the parade?  *
Will everyone be riding on the float, or will you have people walking? *
Are you throwing or giving anything out?  *
If so, what is it?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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