Support the creation of the Mendocino Coast Redwood Forest Reserve
Please follow this link to the updated petition:

Please put my name in support of the creation of a Redwood Forest Reserve out of the Western third of Jackson Demonstration State Forest, hereby provisionally named the Caspar Redwood Forest Reserve (CRFR). These approximately 20,000 acres would remain a demonstration forest, but with a mandate for non-motorized recreation, habitat restoration, and ecological regeneration. Timber harvest would only be permitted when absolutely necessary. This preserve would be a forest that supports fundamental research science in topics such as climate change mitigation, carbon sequestration, forest/habitat restoration, and the protection of the rich array of biodiversity present in western Mendocino County. See ( for a complete vision.
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Do you wish to support the creation of the Caspar Redwood Forest Reserve? (Saying YES will be permission for us to put your name on the petition in lieu of a signature.) *
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Why do you love and want to save our endemic and iconic Redwoods and the forests of western JDSF?
Name of the city or town where you reside?
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