Penobscot Master Gardener Volunteer Report
Dear Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV),

Please help keep the MGV program growing in Penobscot County by reporting your volunteer hours.  Our county, state, and federal funders are very interested in learning about the impact of our program. This impact is most easily reflected in the number of hours volunteers give back to their communities and number of pounds of garden produce donated to neighbors in need. This request for hours applies to new and alumni MGV.

What counts for hours? Travel time to and from volunteer activities, prep time (garden planning, Rogers Farm planning meetings, preparing a presentation, correspondences, etc.), and direct volunteer time (teaching, weeding, harvesting, planting, etc.). If you are growing food that has been donated to Maine Harvest for Hunger from your own garden, please estimate the percentage of your crop that you've donated and use this percentage to estimate the time that you've devoted to growing this crop (include planning, planting, and maintaining your garden).

Thank you to those who have already reported. Please use this form for all future reports.
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Please list all that apply. For example, Rogers Farm, Kids Can Grow, Bangor Garden Show, etc.
# of Hours
Please only include hours since your last report. If you can't remember, contact Kate.
# of Participants
This is an estimate of how many people you directly interacted with during your volunteer activity (not including Extension staff and other volunteers).
Please share any success stories.
Additional comments
NEW! Please report pounds of produce donated using this form: , but don't forget to come back to this survey and hit submit.
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