【Sharefull / Alpha Test】Waiting list registration form.
We randomly send an Alpha invitation to waitlisting members every day.
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Pre-required Actions Needed:
1. Connect your own crypto wallet to conduct Alpha test and earn rewards.

2. Avax Token is required to buy NFT Items.
*Minimum transaction of 0.01 USD, as our smart contract does not allow free purchase.
3. NFT items that testers buy and use during the alpha period will not be able to use after the period.

4. Except for the NFT items, tester will keep all the status and tokens after the alpha period.

5. It requires small amount of gas fee (on Avalanche) per shop creation.
6. Followed sharefull's twitter account.
7. Joined our discord.
Follow our Official Twitter account / Join our discord: Invitation link
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