Challenges of green art practices // Application form
On Wednesday, 21st December the Green Art Incubator is organizing an online international conference "Challenges of green art practices", starting at 10 am. 

The conference will focus on a dialogue about the possibilities of green transformation in the fields of theatre, audiovisual and visual arts and will bring together leading experts and practitioners who are engaged in the production of artistic content that, in their narrative and/or work procedures, responds to the demands of adjusting to the climate crisis. 

Agenda of the event: 
10.00 Introduction: Green Art Incubator presentation of toolkits
11.00 Showcase: Green philosophy in practice
12.00 Panel discussion: Visual arts in the framework of climate crisis 
15.00 Panel discussion: Role of theatre for children and youth in green thinking (in collaboration with ASSITEJ Serbia)
17.00 CE round Zoom session: Re-imagine: Exchange of ideas

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