NSYSA Referee Performance Report
The NSYSA referee performance report must be submitted by the head coach of the team.
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Your Full Name *
Your Email Address *
Date of Game (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Kick-Off Time *
Field *
Your Club *
Age Group (U9-U18) and Division (Metro, Div 1-3) *
Your Team Name *
Your Opponent's Team Name *
When did the referee arrive at the field? *
Was the referee appropriately dressed during the game in referee clothing (i.e. referee jersey, shorts, long black socks, but no hats, pants, or jackets) *
Was the pre-game check (rosters/jewelry/field) performed by one or more of the officials? *
Do you feel the referee was able to keep up with the play sufficiently? *
Do you feel the referee had an acceptable level of foul recognition? *
Did the referee demonstrate respect for the players and coaches? *
Did the referee issue the appropriate level of discipline (i.e. cautions and sending offs)? *
Do you feel this game overall was difficult to referee (i.e. difficult calls, fast play, difficult personalities)? *
Do you feel the referee's overall ability was right for this age/level of play? If not, please make sure to provide your comments in the next question. *
Please write any further comments relating to this referee's overall performance.
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