2024 Intake Surrender Wait-list
The Sacramento SPCA Intake Department is working hard to schedule appointments in a timely manner.

To place your name on our "WAIT-LIST" for a surrender appointment, please enter your information in the following prompts. The wait-list will store your place in line and ensure you get an appointment as quickly as possible.

Please note:  Due to high demand, our current wait times exceed 8-12 weeks.

Please ensure your email address is correct since this will be our main form of contact.

Please only submit one request per pet. Appointments are scheduled as space becomes available. Multiple wait-list requests will not speed up the process of appointments being released.

Once surrender appointments become available, our staff will email you to schedule a phone consultation and set up your surrender appointment.

While waiting for an appointment please consider the following:
Private Pet Rehoming websites:

Behavior Support:
Sacramento SPCA Behavior Resource Library

For questions on fees, please visit: www.sspca.org/post/surrendering-your-pet

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Primary Phone Number 
Street Address 
(1234 Home Way)
City *
Zip *
E-mail Address *
Confirm E-mail Address *
What is the PRIMARY reason for surrender?  *
How many animals are you needing to surrender? 

Please Note: The following questions are for 1 pet only. If more than 1 pet to surrender, you will need to submit a separate request form for each individual pet. 
(exception: for litters, please only submit one form)
Click "Yes" to proceed
What is the species of the pet/litter? *
What is the name of the pet?  *
What is the age of the pet/litter? *
What is the age range of the pet/litter? *
What is the sex of the pet (for litter, just choose one pet in the for each of the following questions)? *
What is the approximate weight of the pet? *
What is the weight range of the pet? *
What is the PRIMARY breed of the pet? *
Please describe behavior of your pet and any medical conditions known as well as any other information about your pet or litter that you would like to share with our team? 
Additional Pets? 
(Please complete a new request for each pet you are requesting to surrender-except litters)
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