Washington Sea Grant's 2020 Boater Outreach Survey
Boaters, thank you for taking our survey! This survey, which should take you no longer than around five minutes, is meant to serve as an educational tool for you and as a helpful tool for us in our efforts to improve Washington State's waters and beaches.

Make sure to click through to the end and click the "View accuracy" button at the end of the survey if you're curious for more information on some of these questions. Thank you very much for your time!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? (optional)
What is the zip code where your boat is stored? *
How long have you been boating? *
Where do you get your information and news about boating and safe boating practices (check all that apply)? *
List all the social media you currently use (check all that apply). *
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