HAACH Varsity Letter Program
This form is to allow a simple way for Athletic Directors or Coaches request Varsity Letters for their players. Once completed, Heather Kile will contact you when they are ready for pickup/delivery. Email haachboard@gmail.com or call/text 810-691-8234 to make arrangements. Thank you!
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Varsity Letter Guidelines
The Varsity Letter program is designed to highlight the student-athletes that have put forth extraordinary effort in their respective sport. Parents will be responsible for the ordering and purchasing of their player(s) jackets while HAACH will provide the letter and pins..
To be eligible for a Varsity Letter, each student-athlete must:
1. Be in the 9th grade or higher.
2. Must exemplify Christ-like behavior both at practice and competitions.
3. Must have played at least 50% of varsity competitions or have participated in a Varsity sport for 2 consecutive years.
Each respective coach will monitor each Varsity athlete throughout the season to determine those athletes that meet the letter requirements. The HAACH Varsity letter/pins will be awarded at the end of season banquet.
Where to buy a letterman jacket
Kensington Valley Varsity in Brighton has our letterman jacket design and have the best price we found the area. They also have our Cougar logo as a patch for use on the jacket as desired.
Their contact info:
(810) 227-6800
620 W. Grand River Ave.
Brighton, 48116
Chevrons are earned every year played in a HAACH Varsity sport. These will be purchased by the parents when ordering their player's jacket. Please convey this information to the parents as HAACH does not hand out chevrons at this time.
Contact Information
Person requesting Varsity awards *
Sport Requesting Varsity awards *
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Your position on the team *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Please remember. These are for VARSITY level players only.
Varsity Letter
A letter is earned the first year a player is eligible.
To be eligible for a Varsity Letter, each student-athlete must:
1. Be in the 9th grade or higher.
2. Must exemplify Christ-like behavior both at practice and competitions.
3. Must have played at least 50% of varsity competitions or have participated in a Varsity sport for 2 consecutive years.
Number of players earning their Varsity letter & sport pin? (1st year Varsity players) *
Number of players earning a bar pin? (Varsity players who have already earned their letter & sport pin) *
Number of players earning the captain pin? *
MVP Pins *
Awarded for winning major Varsity competitions ie: States, Regionals, Nationals. These will be special ordered and may not be ready at the time of the banquet or purchased from Kensington Valley Varsity in Brighton.
What major competition(s) did you win? Write none, if none. *
# of Medals needed *
Please leave any questions here.
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