ABA Premium Membership Application
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I agree that ABA can use the autopay feature for my premium membership through their online point of sale system. My card will be charged every month on the same date. *
Captionless Image
I understand that if I abuse my Premium Membership by allowing non-members to enter the facility, my membership will be suspended for no less than 30 days, suspended indefinitely, or revoked altogether.  *
I understand that the offices are off limits to all members during non-business hours.  *
I understand the ABA/Five Star Southside facility is under 24 hour camera surveillance. *
I understand that ANY damage to the cages, netting, building, roll up doors, or turf will be the responsibility of the guilty party. We will pull camera footage to determine the person(s) responsible. In addition, the players premium membership will be suspended or revoked.  *
I understand that the weights and weight area are OFF LIMITS outside of normal business hours. No weights can be used on non-business hours/days. *
Player Name *
Parent Name *
I understand that a premium membership to the ABA facility includes the batting cage and pitching area only. The weight area IS NOT included in the Premium membership. *
I fully understand that the ABA management team has full control over my membership. ABA can lock or revoke my membership at any time for any reason. These include theft, damaging property, fighting, or horseplay, or non-payment.  *
I fully understand there are inherent risks involved in the sport of baseball/softball. I will indemnify and hold harmless DMS24, Inc., Atlanta Baseball Academy, Five Star Southside, or any/all of its representatives should an injury occur while using my premium membership.  *
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