Michigan Nature Association:                      2023-2024 Field Trip Grant Application

ABOUT:  The Field Trip Grants are intended to assist K-12 teachers (sorry, no Pre-K) in developing fun, educational, and hands-on field trips for teaching students about the natural environment.  Field trip grants can fund up to $500 of costs, and can cover bus transportation and educational supplies for field trips to eligible natural areas, including community nature centers, MNA nature sanctuaries, state parks, and other conservation lands. Please visit our website for more details about the grant and evaluation criteria.

 Any accredited public or private K-12 school may apply for the grants. MNA will prioritize applications from schools with limited access to nature and/or limited ability to take field trips given financial, socioeconomic, geographic and other factors.

**Attention Muskegon County applicants!!**  The Michigan Nature Association and its partner, the West Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (WMGLSI/Muskegon Area Intermediate School District), are excited to provide dedicated field trip grants for eligible schools in Muskegon County. Please apply using this application, making a note that your school is in Muskegon County, or reach out to apointer@michigannature.org for questions about this program.

PAYMENT:  Successful grant recipients will receive $400 of the $500 grant up front.  The final $100 will be paid once a final report and field trip photos are submitted.  (If a request is less than $500, approximately 80% of the total grant will be paid up front.)

FINAL REPORT/PHOTOS:  Recipients must submit a final report as well as 3-5 photos of the trip to MNA for digital and print publication.  Schools will be responsible for securing parental permission for both the field trip and photo distribution. 

  Thursday, September 12th, 2024 for fall semester grants and Thursday, October 17th  2024 for spring semester grants

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GRANT PROGRAM?  Please contact MNA's Abby Pointer at apointer@michigannature.org 

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