Open petition on the crisis rocking the Pan-African Youth Union (PYU)
We, the undermentioned youth organisations in Africa, having observed the untidy process of the Pan African Youth Union's General Assembly's elections that took place during its congress held in Khartoum Sudan from December 19th to 21st , 2017 and having reviewed the petitions by aggrieved parties from the electoral processes as well as the recent withdrawal of recognition to the PYU by the African Union, hereby call on the PYU to:

1. Within 3 calendar months, organise a fresh election for the PYU leadership with proper invitations issued to all National Youth Councils as well as regional youth networks and the African Union in attendance as observers.

2. In the case that the PYU leadership fails to do (1) above within the reasonable limit, we call on National Youth Councils across the continent to trigger an extraordinary congress session as contained in Article 24 of the PYU Statutes which states that: 'The Congress meets once every three years in ordinary session. It may meet in extraordinary session as a request of a two-thirds majority of members'.

3. We call on the leaders within the African Youth Community to step up to the plate and self organise to solve this lingering crises.

The time to act is now.

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