Application for the WHYY Media Lab Program (SY 2024-2025)
Deadline to apply is Friday, May 3.

Please contact Lisa Wilk, Director of School Partnerships, if you have questions about the program.
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WHYY Presents Year 10 of the Media Lab Program
The WHYY Media Labs is a two-year program where WHYY will install a media lab at each selected school. Over the course of the program WHYY’s on-site instructors will work part-time at each school launching an after-school news or documentary program, training teachers to use media production in their classrooms, and assisting teachers with in-class media projects.
Please note: Schools which have been running Media Lab programs on their own for at least 2 years beyond their WHYY engagement may apply for a new lab this year.
Benefits of a Media Lab
Installing media labs directly in schools allows WHYY to reach students who might not be able to travel to programs at the station, while integrating media production directly into the classroom learning experience.  

At the end of the school year, WHYY will leave all video recording and editing equipment at the school permanently to ensure the program’s sustainability. WHYY's instructor support after the first year will decrease to one day a week until WHYY graduates the school from the program.
Partnership Outline
Year 1:
A WHYY Instructor will spend approximately 16 hours/week at the School to include 4 hours as part of a two-day-a-week after-school program and 12 hours during school hours, working with teachers and students on video projects. WHYY will provide training to school staff during the school day and after school.

Year 2:
Approximately 8 hours/week at the School to include 2 hours as part of a two-day-a-week after-school program and 6 hours during school hours, working with teachers and students on video projects. WHYY will continue to provide teacher training.

*At the end of the second year, WHYY and the school will re-evaluate whether or no the Media Lab program is right for the school. Schools that continue with the program will continue to receive support from WHYY 8 hours/week.

Beyond Year 2:
The school owns the program and equipment and continues practicing media production as part of everyday learning. Each school's program is unique to their circumstances, preferences, and learning goals. WHYY and the school will assess together how best to continue the Media Lab program. WHYY will offer support to suit the school's specific needs.

During all years of support, WHYY will also provide virtual learning opportunities for teachers and students.
Participation in the WHYY Media Lab Program
In order for your school to be selected to participate in the program,  the school must meet the following conditions. School must be able to

1. Commit to an initial 2-year partnership with WHYY's Education department.

2. Provide a secure classroom (or equivalent space) for the equipment that is accessible to classroom teachers during the school day and after school, allows all of the equipment to remain together and is consistent and exclusive to the program for the first two years.  Demonstrate an ability to secure all equipment.

3. Provide a Lead Teacher who will work with students and WHYY after school twice a week, and will help organize the during-school-time program. Lead teacher will work with WHYY for two years and will run the program for the school in subsequent years.

4. Provide five to seven teachers willing to complete a media project with students during class time.

5. Be flexible with the WHYY on-site instructor in setting up the after-school program.

6. Have at least 15 to 20 students willing to commit to attending the two-day a week after-school program.

7. School administrative staff meets regularly with WHYY Site Supervisors to develop the long-term use of the training and equipment following the initial 2-year partnership .

8. Provide opportunities for WHYY to work virtually with students and teachers.
I have read the program description above, and I think a WHYY Media Lab would be a good fit for our school.  I am ready to complete the application on the following pages. *
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