Timeline: What is your projected launch date or month? *
Your answer
Your Vision: What does your dream grand opening look like? How many people are there? Please describe it. *
Your answer
Launch Team: How many people are on your current launch team? How many people do you want to see on your launch team before you start your church? *
Your answer
Marketing Plan: Do you plan on marketing your grand opening? If so, how will you let people know about your church? *
Your answer
Testimony: How did you come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. *
Your answer
Calling: Why are you planting a new church? *
Your answer
Finances: What is your projected budget for your church plant? *
Your answer
Location: Where are you planting your church? Location or Ideal Location, City, and State. *
Your answer
Support: Are you part of a Church Planting Network? Or have you attended/plan on attending a Church Planting Training? Please list all below. *
Your answer
Parentage: Do you have a Parent Church that is sending you? What is their name? *
Your answer
Big Ask: Tell us in a few short sentences why you should receive this grant. *
Your answer
I understand that I may not receive this $5,000 grant, that Portable Church Industries will be reaching out to the grantees, and has permission to reach out to me personally. *