2023 TEDx Speaker Form
Thank you for your interest in speaking at the third annual TEDxGCSOM event! The theme of the event is "Diversity: Thinking Independently Together." Please fill out this form to give us a bit more information about who you are and what you would like to talk about. We will notify you if you have been selected as a speaker within one week after the deadline on January 22nd @ 11:59 p.m.
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First and last name *
Email address *
Affiliation with Geisinger *
What is the topic/title of your proposed speech? *
Please provide us with a brief outline of your proposed speech  *
Length of speech in minutes: (please note, all speeches MUST be 15 minutes or less in order to comply with TEDx time length requirements *
For scientific talks, please include any citations here: 
Will you have a PowerPoint to supplement your talk? (This is optional and not required, but if "Yes", please send the PowerPoint to gcsomtalks@gmail.com or MDaclan@som.geisinger.edu in advance!) *
The mission of TEDx is to promote the exchange of ideas worth sharing. Why is your idea worth sharing? *
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